dish vessels for ikebana / Ikebana-yō no sara-gata yōki (生け花用の皿型容器)
"dish vessel for ikebana" can be translated as "生け花用の皿型容器" (Ikebana-yō no sara-gata yōki).
Dish vesselsare usually wide, flat, and low, allowing bulb plants to spread out naturally.Many are characterized by a fixed cluster of tubes for small flower stems to stay upright, or with the use of a Kenzan, known as a flower frogs or pig frogs (solid metal flower frogs are heavy for its size and features pins), possibly in the bowl’s center but often at one side and at least partly below the water level.Ikebana dish vesselsare traditionally used In the summer, they may be symmetrical in a round or oval shape, but often is not..Great for Intermediate to Advanced Artists